Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cutting Hours Rather Than Layoff

Companies are discovering that it is cheaper to reduce work hours rather than layoff positions. This article displays many statistics and gives clear and concise examples of companies who are engaging in this strategic and cost effective tactic.

Book Review

Book Review: How Quants Made a Killing - And Made a Mess

This book displays the tricks of quantitative investors and how "whiz kids" made a mess of Wall Street.

7 Essentials of High Growth Companies

1. Create breakthrough value positions.
2. Exploit a high growth market segment.
3. Recruit marquee customers to fuel exponential growth.
4. Leverage big brother alliances to break into new markets.
5. Become the master of exceptional returns.
6. Apply inside-out leadership to the entire management team.
7. Stack your board of directors with essential experts.